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Some  Ways to Make Money Blogging

Earning money through blogging is quite easy and very rewarding. You just need a bit of patience and a little know how in order to set up the blog ready to earn money. But remember that every advertiser you are working for is not just giving away money, they want something in return for paying you. This is either a share of your traffic or a share of your Page Rank.

Getting Started
So, how do you get started? Well read our series on setting up a blog if you need any help at all, or get in contact and we can set you a blog up for just £20 / $35 per year. Once your blog is live you need to work on it to make sure that it is producing what advertisers will want to buy from you.

Selling Optimisation
For those interested in optimising their own website, they will be looking for blogs with plenty of backlinks and a good Page Rank. Article writing, guest posting, commenting and other tricks are all useful here. Again, read our starting a blog series if you need more help.

Selling Traffic
For advertisers wanting to spread the word of their site, or to create a buzz as it is often referred to, then they want blogs with plenty of traffic. The same tricks work as for Page Rank, but more targeted work is needed. Then commenting on forums and various other tricks, maybe even paid advertising, work well. Again, our series tells you more.

Earning Money
After that you need to find ways to earn money with your blog. Sponsored Posting, Pay Per Click advertising, banner advertising, affiliate work and a lot more tricks are possible. Certain methods work best for high Page Rank blogs whilst others work best with high traffic blogs. All will work well if you manage to get both traffic and Page Rank and Sponsored Posting works well on either, you just need to know which systems to sign up for.

The last way to earn money through blogging is simply by selling it, or by blog flipping. It seems extreme to sell your work, but that is what some people enjoy and if you are made a fantastic offer, then why not!

Anyway, if you are looking for any help on any of these aspects do browse around this blog carefully and read through the series on starting blogging. Sign up for our RSS Feed or join the newsletter and keep up to date with the latest posts. Happy blogging!

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