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Top Ways To Market Your Websit
As you may know from reading this blog and others building your own website can be one of the most profitable ways to make money on the internet. The thing is that to make any money from that website you will need to have some visitors. As a rule in the world of internet business the more visitors you get the more customers you will have and as a result the more money you will make. So in this post I am going to tell you the top ten ways to advertise your website or blog starting with
Search engine optimization
This I consider to be the most important method of advertising your website that there is, as well as one of the most time consuming. This is the process of making your website appear higher in the search engine results for certain keywords that web browsers use to find what they are looking for. To advertise effectively using SEO you will need to build backlinks to your site.
There are several different factors which contribute to SEO including on site optimization. This involves putting the words you want to rank well for on your website in good quantities and in the right places like near the top and the bottom of the page. On page optimization isn’t what really matters though, it is off page optimization where you are really going to see results. Off page optimization mostly involves getting backlinks to your site from other sites or what I like to call ‘votes’. The more votes you get the better. The best type of backlink has the keywords you want to rank well for in the anchor text, in the description of your website and in the content of the website which the link is on. Also you want the backlink to come from a website with a high google page rank
Article marketing
You can use article marketing to great effect when advertising your website because it will bring you a highly targeted audience for your product or service. When you write an article you get the benefits of being able to make sure that a reader is interested in the topic of your website before they decide to click through which makes them more likely to purchase whatever you have to offer. Also you get the added benefit of having a high page rank backlink to your website in which you get to choose what the anchor text says. Some of the websites like ezinearticles.com have a page rank of 6 so it is a heavy duty backlink
Social networking
Social networking is how a lot of companies online are choosing to do a lot of advertising and understandably so. When you use the sites like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace etc you can hit the jackpot by your content going viral. This means that if people like your content or product then they will tell all their friends which essentially means that they are doing your advertising for you for nothing. These websites are some of the biggest on the internet and Facebook alone is the second most high traffic site on the internet and has a page rank of 10
Video marketing
This is the process of making videos about your website or product and then putting them on video websites like Youtube and Daily Motion and then put your tag line at the end of the video. This method of advertising is the best way to appeal to people on a visual level and no other form of free marketing can do this quite in the same way. Your customers get to see your product in action or get to see the end result of the service and this can be the perfect motivator. I would recommend submitting each video you make to every video submission site you can find
The only paid advertising service I am going to mention in this post, Adwords is a service provided by Google in which you can put your website up on the side of the famous search engine or on relevant websites. The thing about this service is that it is probably the best way to get targeted traffic. You can create a high probability that the customer wants to buy your product before they click on the advert and you only have to pay when they click on the advert. The downside to this is that because of the highly targeted traffic that you get with no SEO you have to pay a premium. For very high traffic keywords you will have to pay up to $20 or more. You can however still get a bargain on long tailed keywords and clicks can cost you as little as 5 cents
Directory submission
Possibly the easiest way to advertise online is directory submission. All you have to do for this is to go to as many web directories as possible and submit your site to them. I’ll admit that the traffic from directory submission sites is not good and mostly non existent but it will give you a nice solid backlink to help you with your SEO efforts. A word of advice though, don’t bother paying for directory submission because the traffic from them isn’t very good and there is someone else on the internet who will give you the same service for free
Guest posting
When you guest post on blogs you get the advantage of getting an audience that is interested in the topics which you are writing about and you get a nice link on a relevant site. This can give you a nice little traffic spike but i think most importantly you make a contact in the blogging community. If you do this well you can work together on future projects and guest post on each others blogs often and do reviews on each others products. The possibilities of guest posting go well beyond the initial traffic spike
Link exchanges
Using this method you can get relevant links back to your site and you generally get to choose the anchor text and description. The way to going about doing a link exchange is to send emails to web masters with similar websites to your own and asking them to put a link on their website if you put a link to theirs on yours. This can be a very laborious process but the results can be rewarding if you get a reciprocal link you should get some extra traffic and better SEO
E-mail Marketing
Sometimes known as list building email marketing helps to guarantee as best you can that the people you are advertising to are interested in the products you have to offer. The way you get email addresses is to ask people to sign up for your emailing list. This is usually done by offering them something for free in exchange like a newsletter or e book. When you have their email you should begin by sending them emails which give them true value and good content and then start recommending good products over time. If you do offer good products and sell them well you are likely to have a lot of buyers
Forum Posting
Forum posting it is very similar to blogging, you post information which is useful to the person who posted the original query. In this way you can show people that you know what you are talking about and this will hopefully convince them to visit your website through the link that they let you put at the bottom of the post. This targeted traffic is good and there are many popular forums out there discussing so many things. If you get involved in the community you might just learn a few things yourself.
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